We are Australia’s largest research facility focused on all aspects of cities and urbanisation

We conduct quality research in collaboration with government, industry and community that aims to address the complex issues cities and communities face throughout Australasia. In short, we do research that helps make cities and communities better places.

Incorporating the Coastal and Marine Research Centre, (formerly known as the Griffith Centre for Coastal Management), our expertise spans a range of academic disciplines, bringing to bear a strong multidisciplinary research capacity ready to understand and meet urban challenges.

Director's Welcome

´Welcome to the Cities Research Institute website.  We came into existence in November 2016 with a mission to harness the tremendous talent and expertise of researchers at Griffith University who share a passion for helping to make our cities and communities better places.

We know that contemporary cities and communites are increasingly complex and connected places and that what makes them great and what presents them with challenges are also complex and interconnected. And so to address these challenges and uncover the foundations of greatness, we need to bring different disciplinary perspectives to bear.

Within the Institute we can draw on the expertise of architects, civil and coastal engineers, land use and transport planners, urban designers, systems analysts, economists and lawyers and public health specialists.'

Associate Professor Cara Beal

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