There are a number of planning documents and reports that state the University’s strategic direction across its core activities.

The University's planning framework provides for three tiers of interlinking plans. These support the flow of Strategic Plan goals and strategies throughout the University.

Annual reports are available in PDF and CSV formats for viewing and printing.

Annual reports

16 Peace, justice and strong institutions

Sustainable Development Goals

Griffith University is aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is committed to promoting the values of peace, justice and accountability, to contribute to a more just and equitable world where everyone can enjoy their fundamental rights and live in harmony.

Strategic plan

Our Creating a future for all – Strategic Plan 2020-2025 provides the blueprint for this University's development through to our 50th anniversary in 2025, and beyond.

Strategic Plan 2020 - 2025

Core activity plans

The University's Strategic Plan is underpinned by two core activity plans (Research and Innovation plan and Academic plan). We also incorporate a number of key supporting plans.

Key supporting plans

In addition to the above strategic, core and supporting documents, the following University publications are available:


Annual Reports