A practical guide for disability inclusion

At Griffith, our goal is to ensure all staff and students can participate fully in all spheres of employment and study without barriers. In keeping with our strategic commitment through the Disability Action Plan, this site aims to provide staff across all areas of the University with guidance on ensuring accessibility across the physical, digital and learning environments.

I am more than my disability

Our new campaign supported by the Disability Advisory Committee and Student Diversity and Inclusion is aimed a raising awareness that disability is not a barrier to achievement. Each of us have unique identities and being labelled solely by what others may think about our abilities is the most disabling thing for individuals.

We are featuring a community of remarkable students and graduates with disabilities who defy others' expectations.See our new video below and read the student stories.

Student stories

I am more than my disability

Students with disabilities

If you're a student with a disability, injury or health condition, we can provide a range of support. See our Student Services site for more details.

Disability Awareness Training

Now available online

More information

Disability Action Plan

Download a copy of the University's Disability Action Plan